Jiri Papousek: Diversity of methods of growing alpines in the Czech garden

Date: 7:30pm-10:00pm, Jun 14, 2017

Picture1_0.jpgJiri Papousek ( the Alpine Parrot) is a member of Prague Rock Garden Club, SRGC and NZAGS

His garden is situated at altitude 200 m, 10 km from Prague, capital of the Czech Republic.  There are crevices rock gardens, various planted troughs, collection of dwarf conifers and daphnes, woodland area with peat blocks and an alpine tunnel with a tufa wall.

He has 30 years of experience of growing and exhibiting alpines at Prague Rock Gardens shows.

He is a member of the International Czech Rock Garden Conference commitee in 2008, 2013 and 2017


Parrot.jpgMain interests

Cultivation - cushion plants, small daphnes, dwarf conifers

Design -  crevice rocky garden, troughts, tunnel with tufa wall, peat blocks



