Winter 2012
- Membership notes - PayPal ~ Ian Gillam, Vancouver, BC
- AGC of BC Bulletin ~ Alan Tracey, Port Moody, BC
- Programs ~ David Sellars, Surrey, BC
- Seeds, Seeds, Seeds ~ Ann Dies, Vancouver, BC
- Growing Medium for Rock Garden Construction ~ David Sellars, Surrey, BC
- Proposed Pink Mountain Preserve ~ Ron Long, Port Moody, BC
- Spotlight on the Andes, January 2012 ~ Alan Tracey, Port Moody, BC
- 16 pages, 753 KB, download will take several minutes with dial-up
Spring 2012
- Programs ~ David Sellars, Surrey, BC
- BOOK REVIEW: "Small Space Gardening for Canada" by Laura Peters~ Glen Patterson, Vancouver, BC
- Plant Show 2012 ~ Ian Plenderleith, Vancouver, BC
- Spring Plant Sale ~ Linda Verbeek, Burnaby, BC
- Finding Lewisia rediviva on the Lewisia Highway ~ David Sellars, Surrey, BC
- Winter in Horsefly ~ Jurgen Hornburg, Horsefly, BC
- Botanical Art in British Columbia ~ Lyn Noble, West Vancouver, BC
- Lyn Noble ~ Alan Tracey, Port Moody, BC
- 20 pages, 1.24 MB, download will take several minutes with dial-up
Summer 2012
- Club Business ~ David Sellars, Surrey, BC
- Programs ~ David Sellars, Surrey, BC
- Seed Exchange 2012 ~ Linda Verbeek, Burnaby, BC
- Alpine Beds at Darts Hill Garden ~ David Sellars, Surrey, BC
- Cyclamen: Flowers every Month of the Year ~ Wilhelm Bischoff, Surrey, BC
- Constitution: As of November, 2010
- 16 pages, 1.00 MB, download will take several minutes with dial-up
- A new website for the Alpine Garden Club ~ David Sellars, Surrey, BC
- Programs ~ David Sellars, Surrey, BC
- A Negected Sweetheart ~ Linda Verbeek, Burnaby, BC
- Albuca shawii and Other Interesting South African Bulbs ~ Margaret Charlton, North Vancouver BC
- A Note on Ipomopsis aggregata ~ David Sellars, Surrey, BC
- Argentinian Andes ~ Alan Tracey, Coquitlam, BC